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关于花叶芋论文范文写作 花叶芋Cal.11和Cal.22杂交F1代性状分离相关论文写作资料

主题:花叶芋论文写作 时间:2024-03-13



花叶芋论文参考文献 隔代教育论文医学论文代

摘 要 本研究以阔心形叶品种C11为母本,披针形叶品种C22为父本进行杂交,对其F1代群体的性状分离进行研究.结果表明:在观赏性状方面,根据叶形,F1代群体分为阔心形和披针形2个组群,分离比率为1∶1.根据叶色,分为4个组群,分离比率为3∶2∶2∶1.第1组群,整个叶片粉色至红色,和父本相似,但叶色更加鲜艳;第2组群叶片中间粉色至白色斑点,和母本相似;第3组群,叶片中间红色, 绿色;第4组群,整个叶片绿色,主脉红色.母本的主脉色为红色,父本为白色,获得的杂交后代主脉色为红色和绿色,分离比率为3∶1,绿色主脉和斑点色紧密连锁.母本的叶柄色为褐色,父本为粉色,杂交后代的叶柄均为红色.在数量性状方面,F1代的芽数、叶片数、块茎数和块茎直径表现为中亲优势,其中芽数和叶片数表现为高亲优势.因此,采用Cal.11和Cal.22作为亲本,产生的杂交后代变异丰富,可从中筛选出叶色更鲜艳、块茎产量更高、叶片数和芽数更多的优选单株.

关键词 天南星科;花叶芋;杂交F1代;性状分离

中图分类号 S682 文献标识码 A

Abstract In this study, cross was made between Caladium cal.11 and cal.22. Female parent cal.11 is a fancy-leaved variety. The upper surface is of green margins. The interveinal areas are pink with pinked-white blotches. The main vein color is red. Petioles are pink at the apex, but the colors diffuse into a dark brown at the base. Male parent cal.22 is a strap-leaved variety. The entire leaf is pink. The main vein color is white. Petioles are pink. Their progeny were analyzed to understand the separation characteristics. The results indicated that: their progeny were divided into two groups based on the leaf shape(fancy and lance), the segregation between fancy and lance leaf types fit a ratio of 1∶1. The progeny were divided into four groups based on the leaf color. They segregated in a 3∶2∶2∶1 ratio. The leaf color of Group 1 was pink or red which had similarity with the male parent. But leaf color was more vivid than parents. The leaf color of Group 2 was similar to the female parent. Group 3 had green margins, and the interveinal areas were red. The entire leaf of group 4 was green. The main vein color segregated in a ratio of 3 red ∶ 1 green. Leaf blotching was tightly linked to the vein color. The color of the petioles of the progeny was red which was more bright than the parents. The bud number, leaf number, tuber number and tuber diameter of the progeny showed mid-parent heterosis. The bud number and leaf number showed over-standard heterosis. Therefore, Cal.11 and Cal.22 could be used as the parents to screen a number of breeding plants with bright color, high tuber yield, more leaf number and bud number.

Key words Araceae; Caladium; progeny; characteristics separation

doi 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2561.2017.05.002

花叶芋属(Caladium Vent.)隶属于天南星科,原产于拉丁美洲的热带雨林和赤道地区,大多种类分布于巴西亚马逊热带雨林,生长于雨林开阔地或溪流旁,干旱季节具有休眠特性.原生种有14种,花叶芋经过将近150多年的不断选育,通过种间杂交和种内杂交培育出2 000多个品种[1],这些品种大致可分为阔心形叶类和披针形叶类两大类,其中阔心形叶类品种源于Caladium bicolor Vent.,大多數披针形叶类品种源于C. picturatum C. Koch.育种目标主要集中在叶色新颖而鲜艳、块茎产量更高、叶片数和芽数更多、萌芽早、叶柄粗壮等方面[2].Deng等对花叶芋的叶形、主脉颜色和斑点的遗传规律进行了分析研究[3-5],其杂交亲本主要采用来源于巴西亚马逊雨林的种质Caladium bicolor、C. marmoratum、C. schomburgkii和C. picturatum[1],本文采用来源于巴西亚马逊雨林的花叶芋品种Cal.11和来源于东南亚地区Cal.22,亲缘关系较远的材料作亲本,对其杂交后代的分离特性进行观测和分析,总结出遗传规律,为亲本选配和定向选育提供参考,从而提高育种效率.


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