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关于2019论文范文写作 1971—2019年西方关于语言权利的重要理论相关论文写作资料

主题:2019论文写作 时间:2024-04-09



2019论文参考文献 语言论文语言教学和杂志西方经济学论文西方美术史论文

編者按:卢德里奇出版社(Routledge)于1998年开始编撰出版“语言学中的关键概念”(Critical Concepts in Linguistics)系列丛书,旨在通过重印经典的方式介绍语言学各个分支学科最优秀与最具影响力的学术成果.2016年,该系列推出了四卷由知名学者托马斯·李圣托(Thomas Ricento)主编的《语言政策与规划》(Language Policy and Planning)文选.文选标题分别为“理论与历史基础”(Theoretical and Historical Foundations)、“语言政策与语言权利”(Language Policy and Language Rights)、“教育中的语言政策”(Language Policy in Education)和“语言政策与全球化”(Language Policy and Globalization),收录了近60年来对语言规划与语言政策学科的产生与发展有巨大影响的68篇文章,总计达1600多页.从2017年第2期开始,我们陆续刊出关于这套文集的四篇评论.每篇书评先对相应文选的内容进行介绍,然后做简要评论,最后分析对中国语言政策与规划研究的启示.本文是四篇评论的第二篇.我们希望,本系列书评有助于推动中国语言政策与规划研究的进一步发展.

本刊上期专题栏目刊发一组语言景观论文,引起了读者的关注和讨论.基于扩展阅读的考虑,我们在本期书评栏目刊发韩艳梅教授对《语言景观中的冲突、排他及异见》(Conflict, Exclusion and Dissent in the Linguistic Landscape)一书的书评.该书2015年由国际著名出版机构麦克米兰出版社(Macmillan Publishers)出版,反映了国际语言景观研究的新视野和新趋势.我们相信,本书评将使学界对语言景观研究的现状和发展有更多的了解和更深入的认识.

提 要 本卷对西方学界自20世纪70年代以来关于语言权利与语言政策的重要理论思考进行了较为全面的回顾,在案例选取和作者来源上基本覆盖了世界各洲,所涉领域横跨语言学、政治理论、社会学等学科,充分展现了语言权利研究地方化、跨学科的特色.卷中探讨了语言权利作为语言政策的一种元规划取向的价值,涵盖小族权利、语言人权、语言多样性、语言歧视、语言公正、语言民族主义等热点话题.当前讨论显示,语言权利在理论上得到政治哲学等领域关于语言正义的论证支持,并以国际人权法律文件为重要法理渊源,不过迄今未能作为一个独立概念获得国际法律框架的承认.学界所重视的是语言权利本身所象征的身份认同意义及其在教育、行政、文化等领域的资源调配功能,关注移民、少数民族等小族群体能否通过语言权利的实现享受更高程度的社会公平,保留其多样性的语言文化.相关讨论也显示,语言权利仍在理论和实践上面临诸多挑战,学界在权利内容和法律定位等核心问题上仍未取得一致.中国学界不必盲目跟随西方的论证逻辑,而应提出适用于中国语情的语言权利话语体系,为语言权利研究的进一步发展提供更多地方化的解决方案.

关键词 语言政策;语言规划;语言权利;母语

Abstract This volume embarks upon a comprehensive examination about some important theories about the language rights and language policy that he been developed by Western scholars since the 1970s. Both research cases included in the volume and their contributors are from all over the world, and the enquiry areas cover linguistics, political theories, and sociology, etc, showing the interdisciplinary nature and wide coverage in scale. The volume explores the meta-planning value orientation of language rights as a language policy, including minority rights, human language rights, language plurali, language discrimination, language justice, language nationali, and other currently hot topics. The current review shows that language rights in theory are supported by language justice rationality, and they are legally grounded in the principles of international human rights. But on the other hand, this argument as an independent concept is yet to be acknowledged in international legal framework. What draws attention from academics is its symbolic implications of collective identity and its function in distributing resources in the areas of education, administration and education, which covers immigration, all ethnographic groups and if they can enjoy higher level social fairness and be able to preserve the linguistic and language diversity as well. The discussions in this volume also show that language right faces a number of challenges both in theory and in practice. The researchers he yet to reach a consensus in some core contents and their legal status. In my conclusion, I argue that Chinese academics do not need to blindly follow up the Western logic and rationale, but instead to advance language right discourse that suits the indigenous demands, thus provide localized resolution for further development in language right study.





【摘 要】神经语言程序学是美国于20世纪70年代创立的一门认知心理学,它的语言沟通理论对思想政治教育课堂教学具有重要启示意义,可应用于思想政治。
