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关于土拨鼠论文范文写作 美国神奇土拨鼠可预测天气相关论文写作资料

主题:土拨鼠论文写作 时间:2024-03-06




It’s only been in the past 60 or so years that humans he been able to rely on television meteorologists for weather predictions. Before Al Roker, the Babylonians looked at cloud formations; in 300 BC, the ancient Chinese had a calendar broken into 24 festivals, each with its own unique weather patterns.


Today we use satellites and other costly equipment to gauge our environment, examining changes in the atmosphere and running sophisticated computer models. And sometimes, we just stare at a groundhog.


Every February 2, a doughy groundhog named Punxsutawney Phil briefly emerges from his winter hibernation to he a look around. If he sees his shadow, that means there will be six more weeks of winter. If he doesn’t, we can assume that warm weather is coming


The ritual has been carried out in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania every year since 1887. Relying on Phil is actually not much better than flipping a coin—he’s right an estimated 64.4 percent of the time—but clearly someone at one time believed a groundhog had predictive abilities. Who? And why?


To understand Phil’s current status, it helps to know that superstition and weather he had a long association. Christians, for example, received candles blessed by clergymen on Candlemas. If the skies were cloudy that day, warm weather was upcoming; if the sun was out, winter would stay.


In Europe, the idea that winter’s duration could be foretold was carried over to animal behior. Hibernating animals like bears, marmots, and hedgehogs were observed to see when they’d emerge from their dens.


In Germany, the weather was anticipated by badgers. When Germans began settling in Pennsylvania, however, badgers weren’t so readily ailable: The easiest hibernating animal to locate was the groundhog. In 1887, a newspaper editor began spreading the idea that one groundhog in particular, Punxsutawney Phil, was a meteorological wonder. Before long, the entire country became preoccupied with Phil’s prediction, and an annual tradition was born.



[摘 要]中国国有能源企业的海外发展、技术更新不仅需要运用国内人才和管理制度,还需要跟进时代形势,通过并购方式打破海外发达国家的技术壁垒。本文对。


摘 要:中美两国是全球最大经济体和最大贸易国,同时美国也是中国对外贸易的最大伙伴。因此本文对中国与美国2007-2016年十年贸易进行分析,试图。
