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关于广播电视论文范文写作 2018年美国广播电视展观众超万名相关论文写作资料

主题:广播电视论文写作 时间:2024-03-18



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4月13日,美国广播电视展览会(NAB Show)在美国拉斯维加斯国际会议中心开幕,观众超过一万名.本次展览会共有来自150个国家的1,789 家企业参展,其中244家为首次参展,展览净面积超过90,000平米,主要展出广播电视、通讯、电子娱乐等设备及产品.中国贸促会首次组团参展,展出面积110平米,来自浙江、广东等地的企业展示了航拍设备、监视器、摄影器材等相关产品.(夏雪)


世界第三大石油和天然气展销会——2015年巴西国际海洋石油及天然气工业设备展览会将于6月23-26日在巴西里约热内卢州的马珈耶城Jornalista Roberto Marinho会展中心举办.主办方励展巴西公司预期今年展览会规模将增长7%-10%.这是展会第八次在马珈耶举办.

励展巴西公司能源主管Igor Tavares表达了其对本届展览会前景的看法.将有来自38个国家共800家参展商、53,000名观众(超过上届展览会人数的15%)莅临现场,展会总面积逾45,000平米.目前,大约90%的展位已售出.(苏希玲)


由博闻展览咨询有限公司主办的将在6月16-18日举办的伦敦网络通信展览会被选为2015年伦敦技术周的旗舰活动.伦敦技术周由博闻展览咨询有限公司在2014年与相关合作伙伴共同推出,共包含200多个活动,参会专家与相关代表超过四万名.其中,伦敦网络通信展览会在世界各地巡展,是全球IT人士的重要盛会.今年伦敦站在ExCeL London会展中心举行,预计将吸引8,000名IT与相关技术业界代表.(陈珍妮)

NAB Show Attendance Exceeds 100,000

The National Association of Broadcasters announced today preliminary registered attendance of 103,042 for the 2015 NAB Show, the world’s largest annual convention covering filmed entertainment and the development, management and delivery of content across all mediums. The exhibition featured 1,789 companies spanning 1,015,000 net square feet of exhibit space.

"This year’s NAB Show demonstrates again the power and reach of the global NAB Show brand," said NAB Executive Vice President of Communications Dennis Wharton. "We’re thilled with the feedback from attendees and exhibitors alike, and are proud to host the world’s preeminent media, entertainment and technology event.“

Brazil Offshore to promote local offshore industry growth

Brazil Offshore: International Offshore Oil and Gas Industry Trade Show and?Conference will be held in Roberto Marinho Exhibition Center, Macaé,Brazil, from 23-26, June. The organizer Reed Exhibitions Brazil expects the size of the fair this year to grow 7%-10%.

According to Igor Tavares, Director of Energy Section of Reed Brazil, there will be about 800 exhibitors,including those from Germany, United Kingdom, USA, Finland, China, South Korea, Poland and so on, and 53,000 trade visitors (increased by 15% than last session), total exhibition space 45,000 square meters. It is reported that 90% of the space has been booked.?

Flagship of technology week

UBM’s?Interop London?(June 16 to 18, 2015) has been named as the flagship event of London Technology Week in June 2015. London Technology Week was launched in 2014 by?UBM Live?in partnership with London & Partners and with the support of founding partners Tech London Advocates and?ExCeL London. This brand new proposition for the capital brought together 40,000 tech specialists and enthusiasts at more than 200 events. Interop events take place around the world, creating a forum for the world’s largest celebration of IT professionals. The London edition, will welcome 8,000 IT and tech professionals to ExCeL during London Technology Week.


摘 要:批评话语分析作为话语分析的一支重要力量,近年来受到越来越多的关注。批评话语分析旨在通过语言分析揭示隐藏在语言背后的意识形态意义,探究语言。



摘 要:本文主要基于财务视角的广播电视传媒内控评价为重点进行分析,结合当下广播电视传媒内控评价的现状为主要依据,从完善内控评价工作流程、借鉴先进。
