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关于MyNewYearsResolutions论文范文写作 MyNewYearsResolutions相关论文写作资料

主题:MyNewYearsResolutions论文写作 时间:2024-03-01




导 读:新的一年代表着新的开始、新的征程、新的希望,我们都要怀揣新的愿望和目标前行!

Happy New Year, everyone! Every year I like to write out my resolutions on paper, frame them, and place them in a spot where I can revisit them every day. Having that visual reminder helps me to stick to my goals throughout the year.

In 2013, my goals included sending more thank-you notes and making an effort to plan dinner with my friends at least once a week. In 2014, I decided to drink more water and be more punctual. And in 2015, I had a whole long list of resolutions that you can read right here. But this year I have just one resolution that I’m really trying to stick to. My 2016 New Year’s resolution is to stop procrastinating. It’s my worst habit. When I get really busy, things like unanswered emails, fast coming deadlines and even everyday to-do lists really pile up. What are your 2016 New Year’s resolutions?


frame v. 配框,装裱

punctual adj. 守时的,准时的

procrastinate v. 拖延,耽搁

(Do you have any New Years’s resolutions as the January 1st, 2016 is coming?)

明 轩 整理

