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关于IWanttoBeaTeacher论文范文写作 IWanttoBeaTeacher相关论文写作资料

主题:IWanttoBeaTeacher论文写作 时间:2024-01-30





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来稿请寄: 430079 华中师范大学外国语学院《中学生英语》 杂志社 收

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于莹 1992年毕业于山东师范大学,中学高级教师,山东省梁山县优秀教师,获市级优质课一等奖,一直从事初中英语的教学工作,连续多年在中考中取得优异成绩.2012年12月在山东省英语竞赛中荣获优秀指导教师称号.先后在《中学生英语》、《山东教育导报》、《现代中学生》、《初中生英语学习》、《英语辅导报》、《英语周报》、《学生导报》、《新课堂》等国家级、省级报刊上发表教学论文三十多篇.

I Want to Be a Teacher

“You want to be a teacher? Don’t be silly. Teachers are poorly paid and they he no power.” My friend was puzzling① when I told her I wanted to be a teacher in the future. I’m not silly and I’ll tell you my reasons.

I’m determined to be a teacher because I he admired teachers very much since I was a little child. They are kind and respectable, like angels. They are learned, helpful and encouraging. I’m determined to be a teacher because teachers can lead us for② success. I’m determined to be a teacher because I can keep young and I can learn, change and grow up with my students. I’m determined to be a teacher because I like the style of teachers—simple but free. The vacations will offer me an opportunity for writing, doing research work and anything I like.

I’ll try my best to be an ideal teacher. Firstly, I’ll study hardly③ to increase my knowledge and learn teaching skills. Secondly, I’ll love my students and take proud④ in my profession. Thirdly, I’ll trust in them, respect them and understand them.

I believe that teaching is the most honorable job in the world. I’ll take it as my lifelong career. I will never regret my decision. I think my wish will come true. Do you think so?

山东省梁山县杨营一中初二 高成浩

1. 优点:


2. 需要修改的地方:

① puzzling改为puzzled.修饰人时用puzzled,表示“感到疑惑的”;

② for改为to.lead to,固定搭配,表示“引起;导致;通向”;

③ hardly改为hard.hard意为“努力地”,hardly意为“几乎不”;

④ proud改为pride.take pride in等同于be proud of,意为“以等自豪”.

3. 评分:


