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关于补全对话论文范文写作 补全对话相关论文写作资料

主题:补全对话论文写作 时间:2024-03-05



补全对话论文参考文献 全科口腔医学杂志全科医学论文中华全科医师杂志全科医学杂志



— How can I help you?

— 1

— Would you like to send it by surface mail or airmail?

— 2

— If you send the parcel by surface mail, it will take about 2 months to arrive, whereas by airmail, it will arrive in one

week or more.

— That’s a big difference. I suppose airmail will be much more expensive. 3

— That depends on the weight. Place it on the scale, please.

— OK.

— That’s 300 grams. 4

— That’s not bad. I’ll do that then. Does that include insurance on the contents of the parcel or is that a separate payment?

— 5 It’s another 5 pounds.

— OK.

A. That’s all right.

B. That’s separate.

C. I want to buy some stamps.

D. It will cost ten pounds for airmail.

E. I’d like to send this package to China.

F. How much will it cost to send it by airmail?

G. What’s the difference between surface mail and airmail?

1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____


— I’m so angry with Mike.

— Why? 1

— Well, you know we have just bought a computer.

— Yeah, I know. 2

— Yeah, he does. That’s the problem. He is always working so many hours on the machine that he’s not spending enough

time on his school work.

— Oh, dear!

— And, just now I received his teacher’s telephone. She said that Mike hadn’t passed his exam.

— 3 What did you say to him?

— I told him that he shouldn’t use the computer during the weekdays. Just on the weekend.

— 4

— Oh, you know kids. Whatever their parents say goes in one ear and out the other. Do you think you can talk to him? 5

— Well, I’ll try.

A. That’s too bad!

B. What happened?

C. He’s often very polite.

D. And Mike likes it dearly.

E. You are his favorite uncle.

F. Is he going to follow your advice?

G. Guess what did she say on the phone?

1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____


— Hello. Can I speak to Wu Ming please?

— 1



摘 要:在企业经济管理中普遍采用全成本核算的方式对企业在经营过程中的财务成本进行核算,可以降低企业在经营过程中的运营成本,提高企业经济效益。而军。

摘 要:本研究主要从事后核算到过程控制,分析医院全成本管理的相关内容,希望所得结果可为相关领域提供可行参考。关键词:事后核算;过程控制;医院全。

摘 要:如今,我国的生产制造产业发展的越来越快,随着经济的高速发展,技术的不断革新,给我国的生产制造企业带来了不小的影响。我国的生产制造企业是我。
