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主题:HouseofCards论文写作 时间:2024-03-08



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凯文·史派西扮演主人公弗朗西斯·安德伍德,美国国会多数党领袖,一个老谋深算的职业政客,已经在国会待了很多年.这个老狐狸阴险狡诈,恨不得和别人握手时都能吸血.他坚信新当选的美国总统及其幕僚背叛了他,于是发誓要将这一任总统赶 .他在立法问题上多次和现任总统作对,并且扶持一名年轻女记者凯特·玛拉,利用新闻武器来帮助他.当他和这名女记者“通奸”的丑闻败露之后,他自己的政治前途蒙上了一层阴影.下文节选自原著,描述了大选中弗朗西斯·厄克特(即剧中弗朗西斯·安德伍德)的点滴言行——一个虚伪冷漠的政客难以掩饰其内心私欲的形象生动地呈现在读者面前.


Urquhart was brought up sharply by one of hisladies whose coyness and discretion had been overcome by the heat and excitement of the day.

"Will you still stand at the next election,Mr. Urquhart?" she enquired brashly.

"What do you mean?" he spluttered,taken aback.

"Are you thinking of retiring? You are sixty-one years old now, aren"t you? Sixty-five ormore at the next election," she persisted.

He bent his tall and angular figure lowin order to look her directly in the face. "Mrs.Bailey, I still have my wits about me and inmany societies I would just be entering mypolitical prime," he responded defensively. "Istill have a lot of work to do and things I wantto achieve."

But deep down he knew she was right.Instead of the strong red hues(色调) of hisyouth, he was now left with but a dirty smearof colour in his thinning hair, which he woreover-long and straggly as if to compensate. Hisspare frame no longer filled the traditionallycut suits as amply as in earlier years, andhis blue eyes had grown colder with thepassage of time. While his height and uprightbearing presented a distinguished image inthe crowded room, those closest to him got nowarmth from his carefully rationed smile, whichrevealed only uneven teeth badly stained bynicotine from his forty-a-day habit He was notaging with the elegance or the authority forwhich he would have wished.

Time was not on his side. Like most ofhis colleagues he had first entered Parliamentharbouring unspoken ambitions to make itall the way to the top, yet during his careerhe had watched as younger and less giftedmen had found more rapid advancement.The bitter experience had tempered hisambition while not being able to extinguishit completely. If not Downing Street, then atleast a major Department of State would allowhim to become an acknowledged nationalleader, repaying his father"s scorn with greaterprominence than the old man could ever havedreamed of. He still had time to make his mark.He believed in his destiny, but it seemed to betaking an unholy long time to arrive,





摘 要随着社会经济的快速发展,国家亟需多方面的人才,传统的应试教育已经不适应当今时代的需要,素质教育在全国逐渐推广起来。在此背景下,绝大多数高等。
