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关于烤烟论文范文写作 生物炭和化肥混施对烤烟氮磷钾吸收累积影响相关论文写作资料

主题:烤烟论文写作 时间:2024-03-26



烤烟论文参考文献 生物化学论文关于生物技术的论文生物技术论文生物信息学论文

摘 要:為了明确生物炭对烤烟生长的营养调控作用,以水稻秸秆生物炭为材料,通过田间试验,研究了生物炭和化肥混施后烤烟氮磷钾养分的吸收累积特征.结果表明,在烤烟团棵期,随着生物炭用量的增加,根中氮和钾含量呈现下降趋势,而磷的含量变化不大.至烤烟平顶期,生物炭用量3000 kg/hm2的烟株根、茎和叶的氮和钾含量均最高,施用生物炭也能够增加平顶期烟株根中磷含量,但茎和叶中磷含量呈现下降趋势,其中生物炭用量3000 kg/hm2的烟株茎和叶中磷含量最低.烟株根中氮的累积量随着生物炭用量增加呈下降趋势,但在高生物炭用量下(3000 kg/hm2)烟株茎以及叶中氮的累积量最高.施用生物炭降低了烤烟根、茎和叶中磷的累积量,但能够增加烤烟对钾素的累积,随着生物炭用量的增加,茎、叶以及全株的钾累积量均呈上升趋势.综合分析,生物炭和化肥混施能够在一定程度上促进烤烟对氮和钾养分的吸收利用,但降低了磷在烤烟中的累积.


中图分类号:S572.062 文章编号:1007-5119(2017)02-0019-06 DOI:10.13496/j.issn.1007-5119.2017.02.004

Effects of Mixed Application of Biochar and Chemical Fertilizers on Uptake and Accumulation of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium in Flue-cured Tobacco

GAO Lin1, WANG Rui2, ZHANG Jiguang1, LI Gen3, MENG Guixing2, JIANG Fang2,

CHEN Guoquan2, SHEN Guoming1*

(1. Tobacco Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Qingdao 266101, China; 2. Enshi Tobacco Company of Hubei Province, Enshi, Hubei 445000, China; 3. China Tobacco Hubei Industrial Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430051, China)

Abstract: In order to determine the effects of biochar on nutrition regulation of flue-cured tobacco, uptake and accumulation of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in flue-cured tobacco with mixed application of rice straw biochar and chemical fertilizers was studied through field experiments. The results showed that nitrogen and potassium contents in root showed a decreasing trend with the increasing amount of biochar at the resettling stage of flue-cured tobacco, but the phosphorus content in root had little change. Nitrogen and potassium contents in root, stem and leaf of flue-cured tobacco were the highest with biochar application amount of 3000 kg/ha at the topping stage. Biochar could also increase phosphorus content in roots of flue-cured tobacco at the topping stage, but phosphorus contents in stem and leaf were decreased. Phosphorus content in stem and leaf of flue-cured tobacco were the lowest with biochar application amount of 3000 kg/ha at the topping stage. The accumulation amount of nitrogen in root decreased with the increasing application amount of biochar. The accumulation of nitrogen in stem and leaf with biochar application amount of 3000 kg/ha was the highest. The accumulation of phosphorus in root, stem and leaf decreased with the application of biochar, but the accumulation of potassium increased. The accumulation of potassium in tobacco plant showed an increasing trend with the increasing application amount of biochar. In conclusion, the mixed application of biochar and chemical fertilizers could promote the absorption and utilization of nitrogen and potassium in flue-cured tobacco, but the accumulation of phosphorus was decreased.



沼液含有水溶性的多种营养成分,主要有:氮,磷,钾。含有各类氨基酸、赤霉素、生长素、糖类、核酸、抗生素以及B族维生素(其中维生素B12 、烟酸(维。

摘 要:生物炭是生物质在无氧或微氧条件下低温热转化后的固体副产物,是有机碳含量高、多孔性、碱性、吸附能力强、多用途的材料。生物炭能够提高土壤有机。

摘 要:文章以产业经济学理论和交易成本经济学理论为基础来研究生物医药行业产品市场竞争、资产专用性对其资本结构的影响。实证研究选择的研究样本是20。
