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关于白肋烟论文范文写作 不同栽培措施对白肋烟TSNAs其前体物影响相关论文写作资料

主题:白肋烟论文写作 时间:2024-03-17



白肋烟论文参考文献 化学期刊影响因子排名中华医学杂志影响因子期刊影响因子多少算高医学杂志影响因子排名

摘 要:为揭示不同栽培措施对白肋烟烟草特有亚硝胺(TSNAs)及其前体物的影响,采用正交试验研究了施氮量(210、255和300 kg/hm2)、打頂时间(扣心打顶、现蕾打顶和初花打顶)和B 剂量(0.1、0.3 μmol/L和清水涂抹)3因素组合对上部烟叶TSNAs、生物碱和硝酸盐含量的影响.结果表明,施氮量是影响TSNAs及其前体物生物碱、硝酸盐含量的主要因素,施氮量210 kg/hm2的上部烟叶中TSNAs及其前体物含量均较低.打顶时间对上部叶TSNAs含量影响差异极显著,现蕾打顶TSNAs含量极显著低于扣心和初花打顶.打顶后涂抹B ,烟叶中生物碱、硝酸盐和TSNAs的含量均较低.综合认为,在本试验条件下,施氮量210 kg/hm2+现蕾打顶+0.3 μmol/L B 制剂的组合可有效降低上部烟叶TSNAs含量.

关键词:白肋烟;施氮量;打顶时间;B ;TSNAs

中图分类号:S572.062 文章编号:1007-5119(2017)02-0014-05 DOI:10.13496/j.issn.1007-5119.2017.02.003

Effects of Different Cultivation Measures on TSNAs and their Precursors in Burley Tobacco

CHEN Xiang1,2, ZHOU Kaixu3, YANG Xingyou3, XIANG Jie3, HE Zhengchuan4,

LIU Li1, ZHANG Yanmin1, CHENG Xinsheng1*

(1. Research Center of Tobacco and Health, University of Science and Technology of China , Hefei 230052, China; 2. College of Agronomy, Anhui Agriculture University, Hefei 230036, China; 3.Dazhou Tobacco Research Institute of Sichuan, Sichuan Dazhou 635000, China; 4. Xuanhan Tobacco Company, Xuanhan, Sichuan 636150, China)

Abstract: To reveal the effects of different cultivation measures on TSNAs and their precursors in burley tobacco, an orthogonal experiment was conducted with different nitrogen application rates (210, 255 and 300 kg/ha), topping time (topping at buttoning stage, topping at budding stage and topping at initial flower stage) and B doses (0.1, 0.3 and 0.0 μmol/L). Contents of TSNAs, alkaloids and nitrate nitrogen were analyzed. The results showed that nitrogen application rate was the main influencing factor of the contents of TSNAs, alkaloids, nitrate-nitrogen and nitrite-nitrogen. Contents of TSNAs and their precursors of upper burley leaves were lower at 210 kg/ha nitrogen fertilizer. Topping time had an extremely significant effect on TSNA contents of upper leaves. When topping at budding stage TSNA contents were significantly lower than that of topping at buttoning stage and topping at initial flower stage. The contents of TSNAs, alkaloids, nitrate-nitrogen and nitrite-nitrogen with B treatment after topping were lower. At the conditions of this experiment, the optimal combination to reduce TSNAs is 210 kg/ha nitrogen application rate, topping at budding stage and 0.3 μmol/L B .

Keywords: burley tobacco; nitrogen application rate; topping time; B ; TSNAs

白肋烟(Burley tobacco)属浅色晾烟,因其独特的烟叶结构、物理性能和特殊的香味,被广泛用于混合型卷烟生产中[1].烟草特有亚硝胺(tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines, TSNAs)是烟草生物碱和亚硝基反应生成的存在于烟叶及烟气中的亚硝胺类化合物[2],其中N-亚硝基降烟碱(NNN)和4-(N- 亚硝基胺)-1-(3-吡啶基)-1-丁酮(NNK)被国际癌症研究机构(IARC)认定为I类致癌物[3].近年来,研究人员为寻求有效降低TSNAs含量的方法,从品种的选育、田间栽培措施以及调制等方面进行了深入的研究,如Conkling[4]报道利用遗传工程技术培育低烟碱品种,其烟叶加工成的烟草制品中TSNAs和烟碱含量均较低;宫长荣等[5]研究发现,烟叶中TSNAs含量随着施氮量的增加而增加,适当的控制施氮量有助于TSNAs含量的降低;韩锦峰等[6]研究发现,打顶时间对TSNAs前体物生物碱、硝酸盐含量有较大的影响,适时打顶可以使TSNAs前体物的含量处于较低水平.大量研究表明,众多栽培措施均可不同程度的影响生物碱、硝酸盐含量,继而影响TSNAs的形成和积累,尤其是施氮量和打顶时间[5-10].本研究根据四川达州白肋烟生产实际情况,通过正交试验将几种对TSNAs有较大影响的技术因素进行耦合,探讨不同栽培措施组合对白肋烟上部叶TSNAs及其前体物的影响,为达州地区优质低害白肋烟生产提供参考.


浅谈通过栽培措施提高园林植物的抗旱性宝鸡职业技术学院 高晓华摘 要:植物的栽培措施在防治水分蒸发,维护植物机理,提高植物抗旱能力方面具有重大。



