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关于口腔正畸论文范文写作 无托槽隐形矫治技术在口腔正畸中应用分析相关论文写作资料

主题:口腔正畸论文写作 时间:2024-02-07



口腔正畸论文参考文献 计算机科学和技术专业导论论文现造技术论文农村新技术杂志电脑知识和技术杂志


[摘 要] 目的 分析无托槽隐形矫治技术在口腔正畸中的应用价值.方法 方便选择该院自2015年8月—2016年9月期间收治的牙齿正畸患者58例,依据治疗方法差异性均为两组.实施传统固定矫治技术的29例患者为参照组,实施无托槽隐形矫治技术的29例患者为研究组,最后对两组牙齿正畸患者的矫治效果进行比对和总结.结果 通过对患者实施不同方法矫治,研究组患者的治疗总有效率(97.1%)明显高于参照组治疗总有效率(76.5%),组间数据结果经检验后差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).研究组患者倾斜牙扶正时间(16.49±3.86)周、转位牙扭正时间(16.43±3.35)周、治疗完成用时(34.22±3.88)周明显短于参照组的倾斜牙扶正时间(34.96±4.04)周、转位牙扭正时间(34.32±4.34)周、治疗完成用时(67.97±4.76)周,组间数据结果经检验后,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 在口腔正畸中应用无托槽隐形矫治技术,效果理想,同时具有较高的满意度,不会严重影响牙周健康,可在临床上进一步实践并大力推广.

[关键词] 无托槽隐形矫治技术;口腔正畸;应用价值

[中图分类号] R783 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2017)08(b)-0095-03

Application Analysis of Invisalign in Treatment of Oral Orthodontic

RUAN Ji, LI Jian, YU Chun-ping, ZHANG Yi-zhong, YANG Zhen-xian, GUAN Li-ya

Department of Stomatology, the First People’s Hospital of Honghe, Honghe, Yunnan Province, 661100 China

[Abstracts] Objective This paper tries to analyze the application value of invisalign in treatment of oral orthodontic. Methods 58 patients with orthodontic from August 2015 to September 2016 were convenient selected and divided into two groups according to different therapies. 29 patients with traditional orthodontic treatment were regarded as the reference group and 29 patients invisalign treatment were selected as the study group. The curative effect of different therapies in the two groups was compared and summarized. Results The total effective rate was 97.1% in the study group, obviously higher than that in the control group of 76.5%, the difference was significant(P<0.05). The righting time for sloping teeth in the study group was(16.49±3.86) weeks, and that for transposition teeth was(16.43±3.35)weeks, the completion time for treatment was (34.22±3.88) weeks, shorter than that of the reference group (34.96±4.04)weeks, (34.32±4.34)weeks, and (67.97±4.76)weeks. The data between the groups was tested,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion The invisalign for oral orthodontic treatment is satisfactory, with a high degree of satisfaction, and will not seriously affect the periodontal health, can be further used in clinical practice and vigorously promoted.

[Key words] Invisalign technology; Oral orthodontic; Application value


1 资料和方法

1.1 一般资料



[摘要] 口腔正畸学属于医学方面的关键学科之一,改进口腔正畸学临床带教模式和方法是注重“三基”训练,采取“以问题为中心”的带教模式,采取多媒体手。

摘 要:本托辊组是一种带式输送机用部件,是一种前置与前倾槽型托辊融合产品,是根据“品字型”托辊设计出来的。与现有结构相比,边支柱顶端的所装的卡板。

