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关于前置胎盘论文范文写作 前置胎盘剖宫产术中两种止血方法的应用比较相关论文写作资料

主题:前置胎盘论文写作 时间:2024-04-06



前置胎盘论文参考文献 写论文方法论文方法有哪些论文调查方法国家级期刊的查询方法

【摘 要】 目的 探讨在前置胎盘剖宫产术中使用Bakri子宫球囊填塞和宫腔塞纱两种止血方法的临床疗效.方法 对114例行剖宫产的前置胎盘患者进行回顾性研究, 其中66例术中使用Bakri子宫填塞球囊导管患者为Bakri组, 48例使用宫腔塞纱患者为宫腔塞纱组, 比较两组术后24 h出血量、止血成功率、手术时间、是否需急诊手术、子宫切除率、产褥病发生率、住院时间等.结果 两组患者术后24 h出血量、止血成功率、急诊手术比例及住院时间比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).Bakri组产褥病发生率低于宫腔塞纱组, 但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).Bakri组手术时间为(55.4±9.1)min, 短于宫腔塞紗组的(58.8±8.5)min, 差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).两组均无子宫切除病例.结论 Bakri子宫腔球囊填塞和宫腔塞纱均可作为前置胎盘剖宫产中的保守性治疗措施, 止血疗效肯定, 并发症少, 可根据医院和患者的具体情况选择使用.

【关键词】 Bakri子宫球囊填塞;宫腔塞纱;前置胎盘;产后出血


Comparison of application of two hemostasis ways in placenta previa cesarean section ZHANG Jing, LU Yue-cheng. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Guangzhou City Women and Children’s Medical Center, Guangzhou 510623, China

【Abstract】 Objective To investigate clinical effects by two hemostasis ways, as Bakri uterine balloon packing and uterine city gauze packing, in placenta previa cesarean section. Methods A total of 114 patients with placenta previa receiving cesarean section were taken into retrospective research. There were 66 cases as Bakri group receiving Bakri uterine balloon packing in operation, and 48 cases as uterine city gauze packing group receiving uterine city gauze packing in operation. Comparison was made on 24 h postoperative bleeding volume, hemostasis success rate, operation time, emergency operation requirement, hysterectomy rate, incidence of puerperali, and hospital stay time between the two groups. Results There was no statistically significant difference of 24 h postoperative bleeding volume, hemostasis success rate, emergency operation proportion and hospital stay time between the two groups (P>0.05). The Bakri group had lower incidence of puerperali than the uterine city gauze packing group, but their difference had no statistical significance (P>0.05). The Bakri group had shorter operation time as (55.4±9.1) min than (58.8±8.5) min in the uterine city gauze packing group, and their difference had statistical significance (P<0.05). There was no hysterectomy case in both groups. Conclusion Both of Bakri uterine balloon packing and uterine cavity gauze packing can act as conservative treatment measures in placenta previa cesarean section, along with affirmative hemostasis effect and few complications. Selection can be made in accordance with practical situation of hospital and patients.

【Key words】 Bakri uterine balloon packing; Uterine city gauze packing; Placenta previa; Postpartum hemorrhage


摘 要:道路软基的处理是公路施工中的重点,其处理尽可能早期进行,有充分的间隔时间使软基达到沉降稳定后方可进行填土施工。路面结构对软土地基的不均匀。

摘 要:资源稀缺性指标对资源的使用及其价格合理性的评估都有重要意义。存量 用量比、稀缺租金、边际找矿成本、边际开采成本等指标都只能对资源的稀缺性。


1 综合授信即银行对一些经营状况好、信用可靠的企业,授予一定时期内一定金额的信贷额度,企业在有效期与额度范围内可以循环使用。综合授信额度由企业。
