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关于三甲医院2018论文范文写作 上海某三甲医院2018—2018年度医师定期考核工作PDCA循环管理相关论文写作资料

主题:三甲医院2018论文写作 时间:2024-01-30



三甲医院2018论文参考文献 2018不合格期刊名单2018形势政策论文30002018毕业论文题目大全知音杂志2018

[摘 要] 国家医师定期考核工作是国家县级以上地方人民政府卫生行政部门委托当地医疗机构按照医师执业标准对依法取得医师资格,经注册在医疗、预防、保健机构中执业的医师的业务水平、工作成绩和职业道德进行的考核.每两年1次,已经举办过两次,以往医院在组织医师定期考核工作时,由于涉及全院所有医师,分若干个专业,经历若干个阶段,走若干个流程,而负责人员却很有限,往往造成开展工作困难,通知精神传达不到位,管理人员和考核医师都很疲倦,结果不佳,根据《中华人民共和国执业医师法》等相关规定,上海某三甲医院医务处于2016年7月7日正式启动了2016—2017年度医院医师定期考核工作,而该次整个考核采用“PDCA循环管理”模式,不仅提高了行政职能部门的工作效率,而且方便了应对该次考核的所有临床医师.

[关键词] 三甲医院;医师定期考核;PDCA循环管理

[中图分类号] R197.32 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-5654(2017)11(c)-0125-02

PDCA Circulation Management in the Regular Examination Work of Physicians in Some Third Grade Class A Hospital from 2016 to 2017

CHEN Hao, QIAN Ming-ping, HOU Leng-chen

Shanghai Tenth People’s Hospital, Shanghai, 200072 China

[Abstract] The regular examination work of national physicians refers to the examination of business level, work achievement and occupational morality of medical practitioners in the medical, predictive and healthcare institutions after registration that is conducted by the local medical institutions authorized by the health administrative departments of the local people"s governments at or above the county level according to the physician practice standards, once every two years, and it has already been held two times, the development work in the past is difficult because it is involved in all physicians and divided into several majors and the spirit communication is not in place and the management staff and examination physicians are all tired. The medical department in some Third Grade Class A Hospital has initially started the hospital physicians regular examination work between 2016 and 2017 since July, 2016 according to the related regulations of Medical practitioners law of the People"s Republic of China, and the PDCA circulation management model has been applied in the whole examination course, which not only improves the work efficient of administrative function department but also provides convenience for all clinical physicians of the examination.

[Key words] Third grade class A hospital; Regular examination of physicians; PDCA circulation management



[摘要] 目的 分析应用PDCA循环管理模式对医院高危药品进行管理的效果。方法 在2016年6月—2017年6月期间,将该院的35个病区随机分为。

[摘要] 目的 探析医院感染管理质量控制中应用追踪方法学与PDCA循环管理法的效果。方法 选择该院2016年6—12月期间收治的500例患者设为。

[摘要] 目的 研究追踪方法学与PDCA循环管理在医院感染管理贺顺红质量控制的效果。方法 该院2013年7月—2015年7月期间未实施追踪方法学。

明星电力 大唐发电 财务报表分析明星电力公司基本情况介绍四川明星电力公司为地方水电公司,始建于1958年。当时采取城乡群众投资、投劳,政府给。
