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关于学术期刊论文范文写作 我国学术期刊评价体系服务期刊刍议相关论文写作资料

主题:学术期刊论文写作 时间:2024-02-05



学术期刊论文参考文献 中国学术期刊综合评价数据库学术期刊数据库著名学术期刊学术期刊论文

[摘 要] 通过梳理我国9个期刊数据库,研究其对我国科技期刊发展所产生的影响.结果表明,9个数据库之间相对独立,数据样本差距较大,数据遴选方法和评价结果有一定差异,其学术导向性有待商榷.结果还显示,我国学术期刊评价体系中存在一些评价指标滞后于学术期刊发展的情况,如载文量、基金论文比等指标权重过大等,评价活动被扭曲等功能异化问题逐渐显现.通过分析现有期刊评价体系中存在的问题和风险,如“市场”目的性较强、利用学术期刊评价结果来“操刀”学术评价过程等,对我国期刊评价体系提出一些建议和意见,以期对优化我国学术期刊评价体系有所借鉴,推动学术期刊健康、有序地发展.

[关键词] 学术期刊 期刊评价体系 期刊发展 学术评价 评价多元化

[中图分类号] G230 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1009-5853 (2017) 01-0073-06

Contribution of Academic Journal Evaluation System to Development of Science and Technology Journals

Zhan Lijuan Wang Wanjie Lin Songqing

(Editorial Department of Journal of Wuhan Technical College of Communications, Wuhan ,430065)(Editorial Department of International Journal of Coal Science & Technology, Beijing, 100013)(Editorial Department of Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Wuhan ,430071)

[Abstract] The paper sorts out 9 journal databses in China, to research their influences on science and technology journals. The results show that these databases are independent of each other but their journal data are significantly different. In addition, their journal selection strategy and methods are different with respect to the journal evaluation results. So their academic guidance is somewhat being debated. The results also show that some journal evaluation indexes in our evaluation system significantly lag behind the development of academic journals in China. The weights of some evaluation indexes are too large, such as paper quantity, the percentage of funded paper and soon. In this circumstance, the function of scientific journal evaluation may be distorted unexpectedly. This paper analyzes these problems and the induced risks in our current journal evaluation system, such as market-drive, under which the journal evaluation results may reversely determine academic evaluation. Based on these analysis, this paper proposes some suggestions to optimize evaluation system of journals, to promote the development of academic journal healthily and orderly.

[Key words] Academic journal Evaluation system of journal Journal development Diversity of academic journal evaluation






