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关于转录因子论文范文写作 普通烟草SBP转录因子家族全基因组鉴定其进化和表达分析相关论文写作资料

主题:转录因子论文写作 时间:2024-01-20



转录因子论文参考文献 期刊影响因子多少算高医学杂志影响因子排名中华全科医师杂志全科医学杂志

摘 要:SBP转录因子家族作为植物特异性的转录因子具有重要的生物学功能,广泛参和花和果实发育等诸多生命过程.利用普通烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)TN90基因组数据,通过隐马尔科夫模型检索, ART和Pfam分析,鉴定了普通烟草SBP转录因子家族成员;通过多序列比对鉴定并分析了普通烟草SBP结构域的结构特征;通过邻接法、极大似然法进行了系统发育分析;分别利用GSDS和MEME对SBP转录因子家族成员的基因结构和蛋白保守结构域进行了分析;利用普通烟草TN90转录组数据分析了SBP转录因子家族成员在不同组织和时期的表达情况,并对鉴定出的SBP转录因子家族成员进行了GO注释分析.结果表明,普通烟草基因组编码32个SBP转录因子家族成员,氨基酸序列长度差异较大;系统发育分析表明,所有的SBP转录因子家族成员可分为8个亚家族.转录组数据显示,SBP基因家族成员在不同组织和时期中表达迥异,但在花器官中均有较高的表达量.GO注释结果表明,该家族成员作为转录因子,在植物的生长发育、逆境响应等过程中发挥作用.本研究为烟草及其他植物中SBP转录因子家族基因的鉴定和功能研究提供了基础.


中图分类号:S572.01 文章编号:1007-5119(2015)04-0001-11 DOI:10.13496/j.issn.1007-5119.2015.04.001

Genome-Wide Identification, Phylogenetic Analysis and Expression Profiling of the SBP Transcription Factor Family in Nicotiana tabacum

LIU Cheng1,2, LI Xiaoxu1,2, SU Yulong1,2, GUO Yongfeng1*

(1.Tobacco Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Qingdao 266101, China; 2. Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China)

Abstract: The members of the SBP transcription factor family have been reported to play significant roles in regulating flower and fruit development as well as other biological processes. In this study, 32 SBP transcription factor family members were identified in Nicotiana tabacum with HMMER. Both Maximum-Likelihood phylogenetic tree and neighbor-joining tree were constructed and were found to possess similar topologies using the protein sequences of the SBP-domain. Results of phylogenetic analysis revealed that the SBP transcription factor family members could be classified into 8 subfamilies. The patterns of exon-intron structure and conserved domains in Arabidopsis and tobacco were consistent with the phylogenetic results. Transcriptome analysis showed that the expression patterns of NtSPLs were different in different tissue types and the expression level of NtSPLs in flower was found to be significantly higher than the other tissues. GO analysis suggested that as transcription factors, the SBP family members could be involved in a series of biological processes such as developmental regulation and defense response. The results of this study provide insight into the evolution of the SBP transcription factor family in Nicotiana tabacum and provide useful information for future research on these genes.

Keywords: bioinformatics analysis; SBP transcription factor family; Nicotiana tabacum

转录因子是参和转录调控的一类蛋白,通过和特定序列的DNA结合,能够激活或抑制目标基因的转录,从而调控基因的表达[1].SQUAMOSA Promoter Binding Proteins(SBPs)转录因子家族



犯罪性(criminality)、行为障碍(conductdisorder)、反社会人格障碍(antisocial personalitydis。


