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主题:AHighlandHome论文写作 时间:2024-03-29




Procapra przewalskii, or Przewalski’s gazelle, was so named in 1875 for Russian explorer Nikolai Przhevalsky, who first catalogued the animal discovered on the Ordos Grassland in today’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

Only found in China, the gazelle erages a total body length of 110 centimeters and shoulder height of 50 centimeters. Males can be identified by two curled black horns, about 30 centimeters long. Adult males erage 27 kilograms and females 23, each with a short 11-centimeter tail.

As an animal under first-class state protection in China and an ungulate spe- cies in imminent danger globally, the antelope was classified “endangered” in 2008 by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Once widespread in Gansu Province and the autonomous regions of Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Xinjiang, and Tibet, its habitat has shrunk to the area immediately around Qinghai Lake some 3,000 meters above sea level.


The gazelle’s habitat was further fragmented by grazing activities around Qinghai Lake after its pastures were contracted to herders, who fenced their shares. Even worse, the construction of highways and development of tourist attractions alienated various groups of the animal, increasing the likelihood of inbreeding and decreasing reproductive and infant survival rates. All of this leads to decimation of Przewalski’s gazelle survivability and impending extinction.

“Today, the area around Qinghai Lake is surrounded by barbed wire fences to keep each rancher’s sheep or cows from wandering off,” sighed Lu Zhi, a professor of conservation biology at Peking University. “It seems that the grassland has a new dependent. The original tenants, the gazelles, he been marginalized little by little.”

To pinpoint the most destructive factor threatening the existence of Przewalski’s gazelles as well as the specific impact of the railing fences, Prof. Lu asked her students to hike 1,000 kilometers around the fences, measuring them, eventually concluding that the height of the nets would indeed be harmful to the gazelles, many of which were found wounded or dead after a failed attempt to get over.

At least a few volunteer herders are contributing to the protection of the gazelles. Nan Jia, a veterinarian, is one of them. He has been patrolling the grassland with friends since 1991. For over two decades, his team has used bicycles to check on the habitats of the animals, rescuing the wounded and sending them back to nature.

