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关于白手起家论文范文写作 白手起家到名利双收五位最励志美国企业家相关论文写作资料

主题:白手起家论文写作 时间:2024-02-09



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Nowadays, there are lots of lists of the inspirational entrepreneurs both at home and abroad. A list of the most inspirational entrepreneurs is necessarily subjective, but the following is a list of some risk-takers who really left their marks, despite their challenging upbringings.


Andrew Carnegie—

The Self-made Philanthropist


As a Scottish immigrant in the 19th century, Carnegie arrived in America as a poor teenager and worked his way through the ranks, starting with a daily 12-hour job changing spools. He eventually made a fortune as an investor during the Civil War, including a single $40,000 investment in the oil-rich Story Farm, which earned him $1 million in dividends by the end of the year.

After the war, he launched Carnegie Steel Corporation, which he later sold to J. P. Morgan for $480 million. Besides, he increased his wealth and fame with his writing, including the famous book Gospel of Wealth describing the philanthropic responsibilities of the self-made rich, and he became well-known for his own philanthropy, including millions of dollars of donations to the New York Public Library, the establishment of the Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh (Carnegie-Mellon University today), and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

19世纪时,卡内基作为苏格兰移民来到美国,那时的他还是一个穷困小青年;从一份每天12小时更换线轴的工作开始,他一步一步走上人生赢家之路.最终,在美国南北战争期间,他作为一名投资者发了大财,其中包括投资40000美金于储油丰富的Story Farm,一年之后这笔投资就让卡内基获得了一百万美金的分红.


Oprah Winfrey—The Teenage Mother Who Became a Household Billionaire


Oprah was born into a poor family with a single teenage mother and experienced a tough childhood, becoming a teenage mother herself at 14 and losing that son shortly after. In high school she got involved with radio, and at 19 she began co-anchoring the local evening news. She later worked in a daytime talk show, which went from last-ranked to the top-ranked talk show in Chicago during her time there. After that, she started The Oprah Winfrey Show.

Her show, which started as a tabloid talk show, gradually expanded to broader topics, including celebrity interviews: her 1993 prime-time interview of Michael Jackson became the most watched interview ever. When her show went national, Oprah became a millionaire at 32, and today she is a billionaire.


美国财政部近日发布的国际资本流动报告显示,中国今年6月持有美债1 1465万亿美元,比5月份增持443亿美元。今年2月份以来,中国已连续五个月增。


摘 要:学风建设是高校实施教育质量工程的主要内容和重要途径。现代社会的迅速发展对人才的综合能力和整体素质提出了更高的要求,高校开展学风建设的重要。

比尔盖茨和巴菲特曾联合发起 "捐赠承诺 "行动,号召美国的大款们承诺捐出过半财产,用于慈善事业。其中包括微软创始人之一保罗。艾伦、甲骨文公司创始人拉。
