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关于历史纪年法论文范文写作 一种不曾存在过的历史纪年法相关论文写作资料

主题:历史纪年法论文写作 时间:2024-03-17



历史纪年法论文参考文献 中学历史教学期刊初中历史小论文范文历史杂志如何写历史论文

内容摘 要:路易·巴赞教授是欧洲突厥学的泰斗,其代表作是法国国家级博士论文《古突厥社会的历史纪年》.然而,本文作者发现,巴赞教授使用了一种历史上不曾存在过的“六十纪年周期”:由十二生肖配六甲纳音(用五行代替)而成.本文追根溯源,找出这项学术错误发生的根源是:误读了黄伯禄神父1885年出版的《中西历日合璧》中六十甲子表所附的六甲纳音内容(黄神父也未正确理解六甲纳音).根据出土回鹘资料中的历法要素,作者对回鹘所用纪年方式进行了复原:1.“行肖法”(代替天干的五行配生肖),2.“干肖法”(天干配生肖),3.“干肖纳音法”(天干配生肖再配纳音).这三种源自汉族又经改编的六十甲子,在回鹘社会的不同历史时段曾经被分别使用过.为了在更大范围内认识汉族六十甲子在周边民族文化中的嬗变,文章又对吐蕃六十甲子和回鹘六十甲子做了比较,分析其异同.文中所附汉族、回鹘、吐蕃六十甲子表,均可作为研究相关出土文献年代的参考.


中图分类号:G257 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-4106(2016)02-0125-12

Abstract: Professor Louis Bazin is a leading European scholar of Turkology, his representative work being his Ph.D. dissertation, The Chronology of Ancient Turkish Society. The author of this paper finds that Professor Bazin used a chronology that never existed in history-a sixty-year cycle created by combining the Zodiac and a sixty year cycle represented by the Five Elements. After intensive research, the source of the mistake has been discovered: Professor Bazin misunderstood the cycle of sixty years in the“Combination of Chinese and Western Calendars”published by Priest Huang Bolu in 1885(Priest Huang did not properly understand this chronology either). Based on the calendar elements of unearthed Uighur documents, the author of this paper tries to restore the calendar used by the Uighurs, finding that there are three types: a combination of the Five Elements(as a substitute for the Heenly Stems)and the Zodiac; a combination of the Heenly Stems and the Zodiac; and a combination of the Heenly Stems, the Zodiac, and a cycle of sixty years. Calendars of these three types he been used respectively in different periods of Uighur history. In order to understand the development of the Chinese cycle of sixty years in neighboring ethnic groups, this paper presents a comparison of the Tibetan and Uighur cycle of sixty years and analyzes the differences between them. The tables of Chinese, Uighur, and Tibetan sixty-year cycles attached at the end of this paper can serve as a reference for future study of unearthed documents. development of new prescriptions.

Keywords: Uighur; cycle of sixty years; Louis Bazin; Huang Bolu

路易·巴赞(Louis Bazin,1920—2011)教授是一位非常著名的法国学者,以研究突厥历史而享誉学林,被誉为法国乃至欧洲突厥学的一代宗师.巴赞教授的代表作是其法国国家级博士论文《古突厥社会的历史纪年》,由法国国立科研中心出版社和匈牙利科学院合作,于1991年正式出版.其汉文译本,由中国社会科学院历史研究所耿昇教授完成,最早由中华书局出版[1];最近,中国藏学出版社再版了这个译本[2].




摘 要:在学校教育中,如何实现有效教学目标是一项孜孜以求的艺术实践课题。衡量有效教学的上位标准,并非在于“花最少时间教最多内容”,而是指“在历。


