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关于质量改进论文范文写作 持续质量改进护理管理在泌尿系统结石患者围术期应用相关论文写作资料

主题:质量改进论文写作 时间:2024-04-01



质量改进论文参考文献 国际泌尿系统杂志护理管理杂志中华泌尿外科杂志临床泌尿外科杂志

[摘 要] 目的 探讨持续质量改进护理管理在泌尿系统结石患者围术期中的应用价值.方法 选取2014年1—12月间接收的73例泌尿系统结石患者,为其提供临床常规护理管理,纳入对照组;同期选取2015年1—12月间收治的73例泌尿系统结石患者,在常规护理管理的基础上开展持续质量改进的护理管理模式,纳入观察组.比较两种护理模式对患者病情的影响,比较两组护理质量评分.结果 观察组患者住院时间短于对照组,满意度高于对照组,护理质量评分优于对照组,组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 将持续质量改进的护理管理模式应用于泌尿系统结石患者的围术期护理中效果理想,不断改进临床护理质量,从而提高患者住院满意度,缩短住院时间,建议推广应用.

[关键词] 持续质量改进;护理管理;泌尿系统结石;围术期;应用

[中图分类号] R47 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-5654(2017)05(a)-0120-03

[Abstract] Objective To discuss the application value of continuous quality improvement nursing management in the patients with lithiasis in urinary system during the perioperative period. Methods 73 cases of patients with lithiasis in urinary system admitted in our hospital from January 2014 to December 2014 were selected and the control group were given the routine nursing management, and 73 cases of patients with lithiasis in urinary system admitted and treated in our hospital from January 2015 to December 2015 were selected and the observation group adopted the continuous quality improvement nursing management model on the basis of the control group, and the effect of the two nursing models on the diseases of patients and nursing quality scores were compared between the two groups. Results The length of stay in the observation group was shorter than that in the control group, and the satisfactory degree was higher than that in the control group, and the nursing quality score was better than that in the control group, and the difference was obvious with statistically judgment standards(P<0.05). Conclusion The application effect of continuous quality improvement nursing management model in patients with lithiasis in urinary system during the perioperative period is ideal, and we should constantly improve the clinical nursing quality thus improving the hospitalization satisfactory degree and shortening the length of stay, and it is suggested to promoted and applied.

[Key words] Continuous quality improvement; Nursing management; Lithiasis in urinary system; Perioperative period; Application

泌尿系統结石(urinary system)又称为尿石症,是包括肾结石、输尿管结石、膀胱和尿道结石的总称[1].目前随着医学领域技术的飞速发展,治疗泌尿系统结石的方法多种多样,均能达到安全有效的目的,而手术期间优质、良好的围术期护理是提高疗效、促进患者预后的重要手段[2].该研究采用持续质量改进是在以往传统护理管理的基础上,通过检查护理服务过程是否按照规定的程序和方法进行操作,护理服务效果是否达到既定的质量目标,系统排查每项护理环节中存在的不足之处,究其原因,制定针对性改进计划.现将持续质量改进护理管理在泌尿系统结石患者中的应用价值报道如下.

1 资料和方法

1.1 一般资料



[摘要] 在为慢性扁桃体炎患者行扁桃体切除术时,护士必须全面掌握患者情况,加强围术期护理并预防并发症的发生,使得患者舒适、安全的渡过围术期。同时。

[摘要] 目的 研究护理风险管理在泌尿外科手术患者中的应用效果。方法 选取该院泌尿外科2016年1—8月接收的76例患者进行研究观察。按照随机数。

[摘要] 目的 探讨细节管理对老年颅脑损伤患者围术期身心状态的影响。方法 纳入该院2015年3月—2016年3月收治的76例老年颅脑损伤患者为研。

[摘要] 目的 分析持续质量改进在护理安全管理中的应用成效。方法 将60名护理人员和100例患者作为研究对象,按照时间分成对照组(2015年1—。