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关于品牌价值论文范文写作 基于品牌价值体验的自主演化博弈模型相关论文写作资料

主题:品牌价值论文写作 时间:2024-03-05



品牌价值论文参考文献 价值工程杂志品牌管理论文人生价值论文价值工程期刊

摘 要:从市场角度看,企业自主创新必须坚持以品类创新和品牌策略为核心、创造出与竞争对手分异甚至对立的新品类,使消费者获得更多的品牌价值体验;这既是对消费者广义虚拟价值需求的尊重,也是企业通过自主创新取得市场意义成功的标志.建立在品牌价值体验基础上的企业自主创新是一个综合体系,它包括理念创新、技术创新和服务创新等活动;企业是否致力于这种既复杂又包含较大风险的创新活动,不仅取决于企业自身的利益诉求,而且在很大程度上受政策环境以及竞争对手的影响.本文应用有限理性及不完全信息下演化博弈原理,针对企业品牌建设的困局与诱因,分析了基于品牌价值体验的企业自主创新过程中各方博弈主体的博弈策略及其收益情况;建立了“企业-企业”间和“企业-政府”间演化博弈模型,通过模型求解寻求演化稳定策略.


中图分类号:F713.50 文献标识:A 文章编号:1674-9448 (2013) 04-0061-10

An Evolutionary Game Model about Independent Innovation Based on Experience of Brand Value

GUO Ben-hai1,2 LIU Si-feng2(1. School of Management, Jiangsu University, Jiangsu Zhenjiang 212013, China,2. School of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Jiangsu Nanjing 211100, China)

Abstract: From a market perspective, enterprise independent innovation must adhere to category innovation and brand strategy as the core, create new category different from competitors’ or even the opposite one and make consumers get more experience of brand value. This is not only the respect for the generalized virtual value demand, but also the mark of enterprise market success by independent innovation. The enterprise independent innovation based on brand value experience is a comprehensive system which Includes activities such as concept innovation, technology innovation and service innovation and so on. Whether enterprise will devote to this complicated and high-risk innovation activities not only depends on the interests of the enterprise itself, but also is affected by the policy environment and competitors. Facing the dilemma and incentives of enterprise brand building, the bounded rationality and incomplete information evolutionary game theory are applied to analyse the strategies and earnings of main game parties during the enterprise innovation process on brand value experience. An “enterprise-enterprise” and “enterprise-government” evolutionary game model is established to solve and seek evolutionary stable strategy.

Keywords: evolutionary game, erand, value experience, independent innovation

一、引 言


理论界对自主知识产权品牌建设及演化博弈问题做了多方面研究.张明立[4]从消费者—品牌关系中的广义虚拟价值角度探索品牌形象对品牌忠诚的作用机制;刘明珍 [5]通过数据研究方法,提出从内在机制、建立法规、统一内外资企业所得税等方面支持我国企业自主知识产权产品发展的政策建议;黄永春,杨晨 [6]以品牌竞争理论为基础,从外显性与潜力性构面探究了企业自主知识产权名牌竞争力的构成要素;范秀成 [7]从服务的过程属性出发,阐述了服务企业品牌建设的焦点应该是顾客体验,并提出通过塑造顾客体验来创建服务品牌的策略.


前不久,去内蒙呼和浩特讲课,晚上客户邀请去西贝莜面村吃饭。一进门,几个统一着装的服务员在电梯口对着刚出来的我们齐声喊“I love you”。



摘 要:京津冀首都圈近来受到雾霾等环境问题的困扰,政府及企业在积极寻找治理方法。本文运用演化博弈的方法,建立非完全理性人假设,研究了同级政府府际。
