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关于棉花论文范文写作 基于小型PLC的智能棉花采摘控制系统设计相关论文写作资料

主题:棉花论文写作 时间:2024-02-12



棉花论文参考文献 plc控制交通灯论文智能建筑论文关于成本控制的论文企业成本控制论文

摘 要: 传统基于嵌入式控制器的棉花采摘控制系统对棉花采摘过程中机械手运动规划存在较高的震动以及漂移现象,存在采摘控制性能差以及耗费时间高的弊端.设计基于小型PLC的智能棉花采摘控制系统,其由PLC模块、超声波测距仪模块和电机驱动模块构成,实现棉花采摘的夹取、采摘和运送,通过PLC模块对棉花采摘进行夹取、运输及预警;超声波测距仪模块测量棉花采摘地点的路程,通过PLC控制器实现采摘机的移动测量控制;采用MC33886作为核心部件的电机驱动模块,驱动PLC控制器和采摘机机械手的运行.系统软件给出棉花采摘流程,通过棉花采摘机中机械手运动规划算法,确保机械手采摘棉花运动轨道圆滑,避免震动和游走.实验结果表明,所设计系统的采摘控制性能佳、效率高.

关键词: PLC; 棉花采摘; 超声波测距仪; 控制器; 机械手; 控制系统

中图分类号: TN911?34; TP273 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2018)14?0037?04

Design of intelligent cotton picking control system based on all PLC

LIU Qiao1, WANG Lei2

(1. School of Information Science and Technology, Shihezi University, Shihezi 832003, China;

2. School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Shihezi University, Shihezi 832003, China)

Abstract: The traditional cotton picking control system based on embedded controller has phenomena of high vibration and drift in the mechanical arm motion planning during the cotton picking process, which leads to poor picking control performance and large time consumption. Therefore, an intelligent cotton picking control system based on the all PLC is designed. The system is composed of the PLC module, ultrasonic range?finder module, and motor drive module, so as to realize cotton clipping, picking and transportation. The PLC module is used to clip cotton, transport cotton, and warn of cotton picking. The ultrasonic range?finder module is used to measure the distance of the cotton picking location. The PLC controller is used to realize the mobile measurement control of the picking machine. The motor drive module with MC33886 as the core component is used to drive the PLC controller and the mechanical arm operation of the picking machine. The process of cotton picking is given in the system software. The cotton picking motion track of the mechanical arm is ensured to be circular and ooth, and the vibration and walking are oided by using the motion planning algorithm for the mechanical arm of the cotton picking machine. The experimental results show that the designed system has good picking control performance and high efficiency.

Keywords: PLC; cotton picking; ultrasonic range?finder; controller; mechanical arm; control system

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摘 要:PLC 控制系统在工业生产中的应用对我国工业生产的自动化与智能化的发展起到了良好的促进作用,对PLC 控制系统的设计应积极总结先进的设计。

摘要:本文在对基于物联网技术的温室大棚智能控制系统方案分析基础上,结合其应用情况展开研究,以供参考。关键词:物联网技术 温室大棚 控制系统 设。

摘 要:随着科技的发展和进步,社会生产生活逐渐朝着智能化的方向发展。基于物联网所设计的智能家居控制系统,为住宅居民提供了更加舒适的家居环境,充分。
