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关于胸痛论文范文写作 HEART评分法在急诊胸痛患者中应用价值相关论文写作资料

主题:胸痛论文写作 时间:2024-01-24



胸痛论文参考文献 临床急诊杂志文献法婚姻家庭法论文文献综述法

[摘 要] 目的 讨论研究HEART评分法用于急诊胸痛患者作为病情评估、疾病诊断及评估预后的临床意义和价值.方法 方便选择该院2016年12月—2017年8月急诊科收治的以急性胸痛为主诉的患者400例将其分为心源性胸痛A组及非心脏源性胸痛B组,A组共298例,B组共102例,根据患者病情转归情况分为急性心肌梗塞A1组及心绞痛A2组,A1组156例,A2组142例.使用HEART评分法对3组患者病情进行评估并进行对 析.结果A、B组患者HEART评分分别为(6.8±1.7)分、(3.1±0.2)分,心源性胸痛A组患者危重程度评分显著高于非心源性胸痛B组;A1、A2组患者心肌梗死患者HEART评分分别为(8.2±1.3)分、(6.1±1.4)分,心肌梗死A1组患者危重程度评分显著高于心绞痛A2组(P<0.05).结论 HEART评分法具有评分简单,迅速且评价准确的优势,能够及时对病情发展程度及预后情况进行及时评估且敏感性较高,可对高危患者进行识别,可减少漏诊发生概率并及时制定治疗原则,挽救患者生命并改善其预后、提高生活质量.

【[关键词] HEART评分法;急诊胸痛患者;评估诊断及预后;应用价值和意义

[中图分类号] R542 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2017)12(b)-0069-03

[Abstract] Objective To discuss the clinical significance and value of HEART point system in emergency treatment of patients with chest pains for disease evaluation, disease diagnosis and prognosis evaluation. Methods 400 cases of patients with chest pains admitted and treated in the department of emergency in our hospital from December 2016 to August 2017 were convenient selected and divided into two groups, including the cardiogenic chest pain A group and non- cardiogenic chest pain B group, respectively with 298 cases and 102 cases in each, and the group A were divided into the emergency myocardial infarction A1 group with 156 cases and angina pectoris A2 group with 142 cases, and the three groups were evaluated by the HEART point system for comparison and analysis. Results The HEART marks of the group A and group B were respectively (6.8±1.7)points and (3.1±0.2)points, and the severity score in the group A was obviously higher than that in the group B, and the HEART marks in the group A1 and group A2 were respectively(8.2±1.3)points and(6.1±1.4)points, and the severity in the A1 group was obviously higher than that in the A2 group(P<0.05). Conclusion The HEART point system is simple, rapid and accurate, which can evaluate the disease development and prognosis in time with high sensitivity, and it can identify the high-risk patients, reduce the occurrence probability of misdiagnosis and make the treatment principle in time, save the lives of patients and improve the prognosis and quality of life.

[Key words] HEART point system; Patients with emergency chest pains; Evaluation diagnosis and prognosis; Application value and significance





[摘 要] 探讨爱尔眼科医院财务风险预警模型的构建,将沃尔评分法应用于民营医院的财务分析之中,以盈利能力、偿债能力、营运能力和成长能力作为一级指。

摘 要:随着我国经济社会发展和公立医院改革的进一步深化,医院运行环境发生了深刻的变化。因此,科学合理地分析与评价医院的运行状况,对于医院实现有效。
