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关于武术论文范文写作 古代武术标准化思想和实践相关论文写作资料

主题:武术论文写作 时间:2024-03-01



武术论文参考文献 教育实践和杂志经贸实践杂志思想政治教育论文儒家思想论文2000字

摘 要:武术标准化现象古已有之,它伴随着古代武术的发展和演变.当代的武术标准化建设不仅是国内武术推广的重要条件,而且是武术国际传播的必由之路,研究武术标准化建设具有重要的现实意义.采用文献资料法和逻辑分析法等,从古代武术的标准化现象切入,透析古代标准化思想的文化渊源,探讨古代武术标准化实践的社会动因和历史经验.分析认为:“天圆地方,道在 ”是古代标准化思想的渊源;“不以规矩,不能成方圆”是古代的标准化理念;“圆中寓方,方中寓圆”是古代武术的标准化萌芽思想;国家需要、社会需要、社会分工和合作需要是古代武术标准化实践的主要动因.针对当代武术标准化建设初期出现的实际问题,进一步分析认为:国家驱动为主导是武术标准化的前提条件;框架标准和细化标准相结合是武术标准化的必需条件;理论研究和实践总结并重是武术标准化的必要条件.

关键词: 古代武术;武术标准化;标准化思想;方和圆

中图分类号: G 852 文章编号:1009-783X(2014)04-0301-05 文献标志码: A

Abstract:The phenomenon of ancient Wushu standardization has appeared,It is accompanied by the development and evolution of ancient Wushu.Wushu standardization construction is not only the important condition of domestic Wushu promotion,and it is the necessary way of Wushu international spread in the contemporary,So study of Wushu standardization construction has important practical significance.By using the methods of literature review and logical analysis,The author studied the phenomenon of ancient Wushu standardization,and dialysed cultural origin of ancient standardization thought,then explored the social practice motivation and historical experience of the Wushu standardization.The result showed that the sky is round and the earth is square,the truth is in the centre of the universe." was the ideas of the original of ancient standardization thought;"square and round is the foundation of all the rules" was the concept of ancient standardization;"square is in the round,round is in the square." was budding mind of ancient wushu standardization.National needs,social needs,the need of the social division of labor and cooperation were the main motivations of practice of the ancient Wushu standardization.In the end,aim at some early problems in contemporary Wushu standardization construction,further thought was anlyzed:National drive for the leading is the precondition of the martial arts standardization;the combination of Frame standard and refining standard is the essential condition;and paying equal attention to theory research and the practice is the necessary condition of martial arts standardization.

Keywords:ancient Wushu;Wushu standardization;standardization thought;square and round



[摘 要]在中国的传统思想文化中,包含了丰富的环境保护思想,主要表现为天人合一,万物平等和资源合理利用的环境保护意识。这些环保思想在实践中则表现。


摘 要:加强师德建设,对规范师德行为,提高师德水平和端正教育行业风气,具有重大的现实意义。师德的养成,并非一蹴而就,其内涵也非一成不变,我国传统。

摘 要:近年来,中国建设银行股份有限公司某分行深入开展“身边人、眼前事”员工故事宣传教育活动,宣讲身边感人故事,展示员工价值追求,培育先进典型。
