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关于AdoptionistheKey论文范文写作 AdoptionistheKey相关论文写作资料

主题:AdoptionistheKey论文写作 时间:2024-03-21




There is no formal mechanism in China by which parents may relinquish to the State children they cannot care for themselves. Thus, these desperate parents often resort to unlawful means – while cases of infanticide are, thankfully, now rare, abandonment, the sale of infants or simply offering children up to a childless family to raise as their own are still regularly reported.

News of the inception of the baby hatch, a two-way hatched incubator built into a walled, staffed and secure room and designed for parents to relinquish babies into the care of social services anonymously was received with interest across China’s provinces.

Guangzhou’s “baby safety island,” which opened in January with the cautious blessing of the authorities, has already been forced to close. The reason? Excessive demand. The story has spread worldwide, renewing debate over whether such schemes are practically and morally acceptable. Do “baby hatches” incentivize abandonment, or simply add to the methods by which parents can give up unwanted babies? While such schemes reduce the risks to the health and wellbe- ing of abandoned infants, they certainly do nothing to support the State’s widely-publicized aim of keeping families together.

The idea of “baby safety islands” or hatches, secure places where babies may be left when their families can no longer care for them, is neither new nor particular to China. In the West, churches often served this same purpose, and even today secure, discreet kiosks where unwanted infants can be left in relative safety remain operational in Germany and the USA.

In countries where governments do not allow parents to openly give their children over to the care of the state, and in areas where such actions have serious repercussions for the family involved, baby hatches have become a crucial means by which infants can be placed into state care with minimal risk to all parties concerned. However, as with all issues directly related to parental responsibilities and vulnerable infants, these schemes are not without their detractors. Indeed, many still classify the use of baby hatches as just another form of abandonment.

It’s debatable whether baby hatches should be thought of as a contributing factor to rates of abandonment because they “fast track” unwanted infants directly into care. Such assertions tend to gloss over the usually desperate situations of families who choose to abandon a newborn. Footage taken outside the Guangzhou baby hatch is evidence of the emotional distress endured by parents forced to relinquish their child. Even more agonizing are the reactions of parents who have steeled themselves for giving up their newborn only to find the hatch locked, or themselves refused as their infant is too old.

