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关于医学检验论文范文写作 医学检验专业面临生物安全问题相关论文写作资料

主题:医学检验论文写作 时间:2024-02-08



医学检验论文参考文献 医学检验论文网医学检验和临床杂志医学检验论文范文医学检验毕业论文

[摘 要] 目的 对医学检验工作面临的生物安全问题进行分析,提出安全防护措施.方法 在查阅相关文献基础上结合工作实际状况,对医学检验工作中存在的生物安全问题进行全面分析,提出相关的改进措施.结果 通过对现有的医学检验工作现状进行分析,发现生物安全防护方面存在缺乏安全防护意识、工作区域布局不科学、检验工作设施设备落后、生物安全防护监管不足等问题,这些问题阻碍了生物安全防护工作的开展、影响医院内部感染防控.结论 通过采取定期监测和评估生物安全风险因素、提高检验工作人员生物安全防护意识、科学合理布局实验室布局、配备先进的生物安全防护设施及设备、完善和落实生物安全防护规章制度等方法,提升医学检验实验室生物安全防护工作水平.

[关键词] 医学检验;生物安全;生物安全防护

[中图分类号] R446.1 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-5654(2018)03(a)-0025-02

Discussion on Biosecurity in Medical Laboratory Specialty

ZHANG Zhong-liang

Linyi Lanshan District People’s Hospital, Linyi, Shandong Province, 276000 China

[Abstract] Objective This paper tries to analyze the biological safety problems faced by the medical laboratory, and to put forward the measures of safety protection. Methods On the basis of consulting the relevant literature and combining the actual situation of work, the biological safety problems existing in the medical inspection work were comprehensively analyzed, and the relevant improvement measures were put forward. Results Based on the analysis of the status quo of the existing medical examination work, it was found that there were some problems in the field of biological safety protection, such as the lack of awareness of safety protection, the unscientific layout of the work area, the backwardness of the testing facilities and the inadequate supervision of the biological safety protection, which had hindered the development of biosecurity work, affecting the prevention and control of infection within the hospital. Conclusion By taking regular monitoring and assessment biosecurity risk factors, it is necessary to improve the awareness of inspection staff in biosecurity protection, layout of laboratories in a scientific and rational manner, equip advanced biosecurity protection facilities and equipment, and improve and implement the rules and regulations on biosafety protection so as to enhance medical care Laboratory biosafety testing work level.

[Key words] Medical tests; Biosafety; Biosafety protection


1 医学检验工作生物安全防护现状分析

1.1 缺乏生物安全防护意识



【摘 要】 本文以宝鸡职业技术学院为例,探讨了全国检验技能大赛对高职院校医学检验专业教育的积极效应:以大赛为契机,利于在校内形成良性合力;以大赛。

[摘 要] 临床医学检验专业的实习阶段是巩固理论知识和掌握基本操作技能的重要环节。在新的形势下,检验专业实习带教呈现出新的特点。通过医学检验专业。

[摘要] 医学检验微生物实验室的主要工作是对采集的生物标本进行染色、涂片、镜检、培养与生化、药敏、血清分型等,因此,检验人员在操作过程中难免会接。

