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关于传奇歌手论文范文写作 传奇歌手普林斯相关论文写作资料

主题:传奇歌手论文写作 时间:2024-03-21



传奇歌手论文参考文献 普惠金融论文普刊论文发表普刊意林投稿

导 读:普林斯是歌手、词曲作家、制作人、演员,他拥有超全面的音乐才能,他是舞台上最炫目的歌者,更对全球流行音乐的发展产生了不可磨灭的影响.在35年的音乐生涯中,他获得过7次格莱美奖,还在2004年入选美国摇滚名人堂,唱片总销量超过一亿张.他成功打破了摇滚、蓝调、放克、流行乐和灵魂乐之间的界限,给音乐产业带来了一场大变革.流行音乐史永远都会铭记这位叫“王子”的传奇巨星!

Prince’s passion for music was atypical. According to the Wall Street Journal, he could hold marathon recording sessions that lasted 48 hours with good quality control. After finishing multi-hour performances on tour, he sometimes visited local pubs and kept playing until dawn.

“There’s not a person around who can stay awake as long as I can,” he said in an interview in 1985. “Music is what keeps me awake.”

Prince also taught modern audiences the importance of ownership in artwork. In the 1990s, Prince declared an open battle against his record label, Warner Bros, for control of his music.

He wrote “slave” across on his cheek and changed his name to an unpronounceable “love symbol”, as a means of protest. “When you stop a man from dreaming, he becomes a slave. That’s where I was,” Prince told Rolling Stone in a 1996 interview. “If you don’t own your masters, your master owns you.” Gradually, fans started to refer to him as the “Artist Formerly Known as Prince”.

In recent years, streaming has become one of the most popular ways of accessing music. But Prince saw this trend as a new way for tech companies to exploit musicians. Prince took legal actions to remove pirated videos of him on YouTube. He refused to put his music on major streaming services like Spotify and iTunes. Prince’s actions have influenced some of today’s highest-selling artists, like Taylor Swift and Adele. In other words, he helped reshape the landscape of modern music.

Prince’s sudden death is a great loss in the world of music. On social media, dozens of US celebrities, including Katy Perry, The Weeknd, Justin Timberlake and Madonna, expressed their condolences. Even US Ex-president Barack Obama praised Prince for his great contributions to music.

“Few artists have influenced the sound and trajectory of popular music more distinctly, or touched quite so many people with their talent,” Obama said in a statement. “‘A strong spirit transcends rules,’ Prince once said, and nobody’s spirit was stronger, bolder, or more creative.”



普林斯还教现代听众要尊重艺术的自主性.20世纪90年代,为了争取对自己音乐的自主权,他曾公开 自己的唱片公司——华纳兄弟.

为了表示 ,他在自己的脸颊上写上“奴隶”二字,还把自己的名字改为一个极难发音的“爱的象征”词.1996年,在接受《滚石》杂志采访时,他说:“当你剥夺了一个人梦想的权利,那他和奴隶毫无二致.那就是我当时的處境.如果你不当自己的主人,就会成为他人的奴隶.”此后,粉丝们开始称他为“曾经名叫普林斯的歌手”.


普林斯的突然离世是全球音乐界的重大损失.凯蒂·佩里、The Weeknd、贾斯汀·汀布莱克、麦当娜等许多美国明星在社交媒体上表达了对他的悼念.就连美国前任总统巴拉克·奥巴马也高度评价了普林斯对音乐界做出的杰出贡献.



The NOLINSKI Paris,The Upstart of Eclectic Aesthetics自2013年决定进军奢華酒店业起,。

摘 要:孔子,我国春秋鲁国人,大约在30岁左右开始讲学,从事教育工作40余年,号称弟子三千,贤人七十二。瓦·阿·苏霍姆林斯基,前苏联著名教育实践。

摘 要:亚历山大·伊万诺维奇·库普林在俄罗斯乃至世界文学史上是一颗耀眼的明星,他的道德精神以及爱情主题对于世界文学史的发展有着深刻的影响,他的创。

