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主题:训练论文写作 时间:2024-02-26



训练论文参考文献 杂志阅读杂志在线阅读期刊阅读飞魔幻杂志免费阅读

难度系数:★★★☆☆Words:302 建议阅读时间:5分钟

For many years, people in American cities have depended on farmers in rural(农村的) areas to grow fruits and vegetables. But now a new generation of farmers is planting crops in urban areas.

Sean Conroe is a college student. Amber Banks is a teacher. They both grew up on farming and gardening. They wanted to start a farm in the middle of Seattle, Washington. Amber Banks says,“There are a lot of neighbors that have no place for healthy, fresh produce. And if they do, it can be very expensive. So we see unused space as a great place to grow food that will make it easier for people to buy fresh food.” Sean Conroe created a website to get volunteers. Within a week, they are offered a plot of land between two houses. He says twenty volunteers worked for six weekends to turn the grassy land into a farm. They call their project Alleycat Acres.

The Alleycat have harvest about ninety kilograms of produce so far. They have donated most of it to local food banks that feed hungry people in Seattle.

One of the goals of the urban farm is to show city people the joys of growing food. The Alleycat invite school groups to the farm to help out. And Amber Banks says they want the same people who receive food for free to learn how to work the soil. Sean Conroe says Alleycat Acres is working on other empty areas of Seattle, so are a lot of other urban farming groups.

Seattle has declared the year 2012 “The Year of Urban Agriculture”. But the growth of these farms is limited. That is because Seattle, like a lot of other cities, has restrictions(限制) on urban farms. The City Council is now considering changing those laws.


1. What’s the best title for this passage?

A. Farming in the City: a Way to Reduce Pollution.

B. Farming in the City: the Joys of Growing Food.

C. Farming in the City: the Joys of Being a Volunteer.

D. Farming in the City: a New Way to Make Money.

2. What do we know about Sean Conroe and Amber Banks?

A. They are both college students.

B. They both grew up in the city of Seattle.

C. They are both rich in farming experience.

D. They created a website together to get volunteers.

3. According to the passage, it seems that .

A. the number of urban farms is increasing rapidly

B. anyone can start a farm in any of the American cities

C. Alleycat Acres is the only urban farming group in Seattle now

D. the City of Seattle supports the Alleycat Acres project


1. B.该文介绍了美国新一代农民开始在城区种植食物,目的是让城市的人们体验种植带来的乐趣.文章开头叙述事实,而后话锋一转,用but 表明作者的真正写作意图,即now a new generation of farmers is planting crops in urban area. 新一代农民开始在城区种植食物.以及这一做法的目的One of the goals of the urban farm is to show city people the joys of growing food,所以B项更全面地体现了文章的中心,简洁,新颖.A项没提到污染;C项和第二段的目标不一致;D项和文中They have donated most of it to local food banks that feed hungry people in Seattle. 意思不符.

2. C.根据“They both grew up on farming and gardening”暗含着他们在农学和园艺学方面经验丰富.

3. D.上文提到“限制在城市种植的事”,文中最后一句The City Council is now considering changing those laws. 表明市政府要改变这条法律,意思是它支持这一做法.





摘 要: 张志公是当代著名的语言学家及语文教育家,在治学方面颇有造诣,形成了其独特的阅读训练观。本文力图从阅读训练的目的、基本原则、具体方法三个。
