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关于慢性病论文范文写作 社区多病种慢性病老年患者用药依性调查影响因素分析相关论文写作资料

主题:慢性病论文写作 时间:2024-04-04



慢性病论文参考文献 老年杂志关于老年护理的论文慢性病学杂志老年护理学论文

摘 要 目的:调查上海市嘉定区真新地区多病种慢性病老年患者用药依从性及影响因素.方法:采取整群抽样的方法对上海市嘉定区真新地区15个社区中60~75岁的398例患多种慢性病的老人的用药依从性进行调查.结果:398例老年患者用药依从率仅为37.19%.性别、年龄、文化程度、对疾病重视程度、对用药的重要性及对不按医嘱用药的危害性了解程度、药品类别数、用药剂型数、用药方式数和药品不良事件等因素对患者用药依从性有一定影响.结论:影响罹患慢性病老年患者用药依从性的因素较多,有必要构建相应的药学干预模式,为社区患者开展合理用药宣教、指导患者用药及为其建立药历等提高患者用药依从性,促进合理用药,改善药物治疗效果,使患者获得满意的治疗.

关键词 用药依从性;影响因素;药学服务;调查;社区

中图分类号:R95 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2017)02-0007-03

Investigation on the medication compliance and relevant influence factors among the chronic elderly patients with multi-diseases in community

LI Xuqin1, LUO Xiang1, LI Yao1, HUANG Wenting1, MA Xiuqiang2(1.Zhenxin Community Health Service Center of Jiading District, Shanghai 201824, China; 2.Department of Statistics of Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China)

ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate the medication compliance and relevant influence factors among the elderly patients with multi-chronic diseases in Zhenxin Community of Jiading District, Shanghai. Methods: A total of 398 cases of chronic diseases aged from 60 to 75 years in 15 neighborhood committees in Zhenxin Community were selected with cluster sampling method and the drug compliance was investigated among them. Results: The medication compliance rate was only 37.19% in 398 elderly patients. Factors of gender, age, education, the knowledge of disease, understanding of the importance of medication and the hazard caused by poor compliance, drug categories, the number of dosage forms, medication way and adverse event had a certain impact on medication compliance of the patients. Conclusion: There are many factors that affect the medication compliance of the elderly patients with chronic diseases. It is necessary to construct the corresponding mode of pharmaceutical intervention to carry out rational drug use education for the patients in community, guide patient medication and establish the drug calendar and other measures so as to improve patient medication compliance, promote rational drug use and improve drug treatment effect so that the patients get satisfactory treatment.

KEY WORDS medication compliance; influence factor; pharmaceutical service; investigation; community




[摘要] 目的 探讨健康教育对耐多药肺结核患者治疗依从性和临床疗效的影响。方法 将该院2015年3月—2016年3月收治的90例耐多药肺结核患者。

[摘要] 目的 探讨和分析健康教育对脑肿瘤患者家属负性情绪影响的效果。方法 研究选择2015年10月—2017年5月间在该院治疗的66例脑肿瘤患。

[摘要] 目的 探析门诊药房合理配发老年患者用药注意事项。方法 选择该院2016年1—6月期间所收治的117例老年患者为该次研究的对照组,实施传。

摘 要:本文以南昌市某医院为例,了解患者对医生的信任现状,对患者信任中普遍信任和人际信任进行实证分析,分析影响患者信任医生的因素。采用自编问卷对。
